This two story house on Vistahill Terrace, Fremont, located in Mission Hills was built in 1999. The 5500 sq ft of living space features a living room, kitchen, laundry room, 2 master bedrooms, 5 bedrooms, 1 powder room with shower, 2 master bathrooms and 2 full bathrooms. Next to the kitchen is a walk –in pantry and storage room. There is a 3 car garage that is attached to the house.
Included in the family room is a wet bar and fireplace. The master bedrooms and living room have fireplaces as well. The two master bathrooms have jacuzzis and shower rooms. One of the shower rooms has a steam feature finished with marble slabs.
There are many aesthetic details in this house including a curved ceiling with an octagon design, curved walls, various levels and curved floors and decorated columns.